
Wonderful Jogja

Yogyakarta or often called jogja is a very special city. Apart from being referred to as a student city, Jogja is also known as a city of tourism, because Jogja has a variety of tourist objects that can be visited by both local and foreign tourists. Jogja is also a very stratigistic city that is easy to reach. There are so many activities that can be done while visiting Jogja for both vacation and business. Jogja has its own uniqueness for tourist destinations, such as cultural or historical tours, architectural tours, temple tours and museum monuments. Yogyakarta also has many natural tourist destinations that can refresh the mind from the fatigue of daily activities, by feeling the joy of natural coolness from the mountains to the coast.   In Jogja you can also find various shopping centers from traditional knick-knacks to luxury goods and products from the creativity of young people. In addition there are traditional craft places made from silver, wood, cloth ...

Be Smart with Hortatory Eksposition Text

Hello Youngsters all over the world! We all already know what is hortatory text, don't we? Hortatory exposition is a text which represents the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way. Like other literary works, hortatory also has a text structure. The generic structure of hortatory exposition text is: # Thesis : Thesis is the announcement of issue concern. # Arguments : Argument is reason for concern, leading to recommendation. # Recommendation : Recommendation is statement of what ought or ought to happen. Many opinions are talking about the difference between hortatory exposition text and analytical exposition text. basically hortatory exposition text and analytical exposition text have many similarities both in terms of structure and contents. moreover both texts are included in the exposition text. the difference between the hortatory exposition text and the analytical exposition text lies in the closing structure of the text. in th...